Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Tomato Harvest and more Dahlias

Kids were very excited to pick the tomatoes and take pics. This Dahlia plant has 3 flowers so far and more buds coming up. Rest of the plants are still small.

Note: Those of you who check my blog, please leave comments. I would appreciate it and as a newbie your comments would provide me inspiration. Thanks.


  1. Wow, pretty flowers. Lovely tomatoes as well. Me too love gardening...kind of working on to raise some native greens:)

  2. nice dahlia's! tomatoe's looks good too!

    /Note: Those of you who check my blog, please leave comments. I would appreciate it and as a newbie your comments would provide me inspiration. Thanks./ ithu mirattalaa,vendukolaanga mahes? (just kidding!!)
    :) :) :) :)

  3. They're beauties!

    Zone 10...

    I have zonal envy. I'm cheering my first year of dahlias along in Zone 4.

  4. Thank you so much for the comments, Malar, Mahi and Susan.

    Mahi - Athu Vendukol thanga :)))
