Sunday, April 24, 2011

Planting Tomatoes

I planted about 8 tomato seedlings last week. A couple of them were Rutgers (heirloom) and the rest were Celebrity (hybrid) variety. Both are determinate varieties meaning that they will grow to a fixed mature size and ripen all their fruit in a short period. I am sure they will require cages or stalking soon. I also planted Marigolds next to tomatoes to deter the bugs away. They really help. I love the deep orange color of the marigolds. Hopefully my tomato plants will do well this summer like last year.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Good things come in little packages!

I planted Sugar Ann sweet peas more than a month ago. This is a cool season crop. Looks like the plant doesn't like hot weather. Hm.. makes me wonder what'll happen to the plant when it hit upper 80s last week which is yet to be seen. The peas can be used as as snap peas if harvested before the pods fill out or let the peas inside get big and then shell them.

There are about 15 pods on the plant right now and I harvested some last week. Very cute green peas :)

Monday, April 18, 2011

Garden update

It's been a while since I posted. I sowed some Tomato, Brinjal, Bitter melon and Methi seeds. Brinjal and Bitter melon never germinated. Tomato and Methi seedlings came up but were burned by the sun last week. It was too hot here in the upper 80s. Too bad, I got very frustrated. I went to home depot and got some tomato seedlings. Will have to put them in the ground today. Will do another update soon.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Nemesia Blue Bird plant

This is one of my favorite perennial. It blooms all year long. The plant is in a shaded spot and I also read that it's a great container plant. Love it!

My 2nd methi harvest. Next time I should mark the calendar when I sow the seeds just to see how long it takes to harvest. Very easy to grow.